Driving License Prices

Flexible and Transparent Pricing – No Hidden Fees

Driving License at a Fair Price – No Hidden Fees

Getting a driving license is an important decision, and at Østerbro Driving School, we understand that price is a crucial factor. That’s why we continuously monitor the market to offer you competitive prices while ensuring a structured, professional, and safe learning experience. From your first theory lesson to the day you hold your license in your hands, we are with you every step of the way.

Pay in 3 Installments – 3 x 4,000 DKK

To make it easier for you to get started, we offer interest-free installment payments, allowing you to pay 3 x 4,000 DKK. This makes budgeting for your driving lessons more manageable, with no hidden fees or extra costs.

We Believe in Transparency and Quality

We know that no student should be left alone in the process. Our experienced instructors ensure you receive the best guidance – whether it’s for theory, driving lessons, or test preparation. Our high success rate is the result of thorough teaching, flexibility, and a focus on student confidence.

By choosing Østerbro Driving School, you’re selecting a driving school that prioritizes your success, your budget, and your experience.

See our updated prices below and feel free to contact us for more information.
We look forward to helping you get on the road – safely and confidently!

Automatic Gear at No Extra Cost

At Østerbro Driving School, you can choose to take your driving lessons in an automatic car at no additional charge – the price is the same as for manual gear!

From July 1, 2024, you can also take your driving test in an automatic car and still receive a full-category B license, which allows you to drive both automatic and manual vehicles. You only need to complete the manoeuvre track + 3 driving lessons in a manual car, after which you can complete the rest of your lessons in an automatic.
This is a popular choice, as it allows you to focus on driving without worrying about gear shifting. We highly recommend considering this option.

Copenhagen’s Most Affordable Driving License – Transparent Prices, No Hidden Fees

No surprises. No hidden costs. Just a fair price for your driving license.


Standard Package: Category B Driving License

Optional: Choose manual or automatic

Flexible Payment: Pay in 3 interest-free installments

Price: 14,999 DKK

Save 5,390 DKK – limited-time offer

Start with a friend and get a 400 DKK discount each

What’s Included?

Everything in the standard package +

Complete your license in approximately 4-6 weeks

Total price without discount: 20,390 DKK

Most popular


Category B Driving License

Optional: Choose manual or automatic

Flexible Payment: Pay in 3 interest-free installments

Price: 11,999 DKK

Save 5,390 DKK – limited-time offer

Start with a friend and get a 400 DKK discount each

What’s Included?

Unlimited theory lessons

Manoeuvre track:4 lessons (45 min each)

Skid training (slippery track): 4 lessons (45 min each)

16 driving lessons on the road

Validity: The package is valid for 1 year

Total price without discount: 17,389 DKK

Mandatory Fees

These must be paid to obtain your driving license

Car rental for the driving test in Copenhagen – from 1,500 DKK

Online practice tests – unlimited access: 299 DKK

Exam fee to the Danish Road Safety Agency (Færdselsstyrelsen) – 1,200 DKK

Registration fee: Includes document approval, scheduling, and transport – 699 DKK

Additional Costs

Depending on your situation, you may also need to pay

First aid course: 900 DKK

Medical certificate: Approx. 400 DKK (paid to your doctor)

Extra driving lessons: 1 x 45 min: 550 DKK

Rescheduling fee: Only if a new theory or driving test is booked – 200 DKK

Get Started with Your Driving License

Why Students Choose Østerbro Køreskole

Getting your driving license should be a great experience – we make the process simple, safe, and efficient. Contact us today and take the first step toward freedom on the road!

  • More than 11,000 students have passed with us
  • 17+ years of experience in driver education
  • Interest-free installment plans – pay in up to three installments
  • Experienced and patient driving instructors

Østerbro Køreskole

Hvad siger vores elever?

Peter Thomsen

Jeg har generhvervet mit kørekort…

Jeg har generhvervet mit kørekort igennem kviktrafikskole, da jeg allerede havde hørt godt om dem. Valgte jeg dem. De skuffede heller ikke, gode informationer, tryghed og en rigtig grundig vejledning. Jeg bestod alt første gang.

6 stjerner herfra. De kan klart anbefales.


Skiftede fra et andet sted

Jeg skiftede køreskole og til Masoud, og har virkelig ikke været alt andet end tilfreds. Jeg var delvist demotiveret da jeg skulle starte hos Masood, grundet mine oplevelser hos min tidligere kørelærer, men Masood har virkelig været støttende, været grundig og fået mine færdigheder i top….


Kørekort på tre måneder

Jeg fik mit kørekort på tre måneder, bestod teori første gang. Og havde en fantastisk kørelærer, Ali.
Han fokusere 110% på eleven mens man kører og ønsker at man får så meget ud af hver køretime som muligt….

Oliver Wetterstein Gervø

Instruktører i verdensklasse

Jeg var meget glad for at have valgt Kviktrafikskole ifm. min generhvervelse.
Deres kundeservice er i topkvalitet, og de har altid elevens tilfredshed og sikkerhed som højeste prioritet….

Nanna Schwarz Jørgensen

Super godt og smertefrit forløb

Jeg tog mit kørekort hos kviktrafikskole på ca. 4 måneder og der var bare styr på det hele fra start til slut! Køreskolen var altid nem at få fat på hvis man havde spørgsmål, og Masood var en mega fed kørerlærer der under hele forløbet havde fuldstændig styr på hvad jeg skulle fokusere på for at blive klar til køreprøven….

Erling Vindelev Jørgensen

Professionel og effektiv undervisning

Kan kun anbefale Kviktrafikskole, Blegdamsvej 42, 2200 København N.
Personalet sætter kunden/eleven i fokus og er altid parat med gode råd. Undervisningen foregår effektivt og professionelt.
Derudover er de søde og venlige på en frisk måde. En stor tak til Masood Ahmed.

Benjamin Ørding-Thomsen

Dejlig fleksibel køreskole

Rigtig god oplevelse både med Masood og i den sidste del af mit forløb til kategori B, Ali. Teori kunne tages i det tempo man ønskede, kombineret med en fleksibel kørelærer. Kraftig anbefaling herfra 💪

Mille Sofie

Bedste oplevelse med kørekort!

Jeg havde den bedste oplevelse med mit kørekort.
Utrolig venlig og god service, altid klar til at hjælpe, og især god til at forklare og sætte dig ordentligt ind i tingende.
Jeg vil især rose og give udtryk for min tilfredshed…

Østerbro køreskole